Welcome to the website for the Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM), a 60-year legacy of Christ-centered health care in Zambia and Malawi, supporting the Gospel ministry carried out by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) in partnership with the Lutheran Church of Central Africa (LCCA).


CAMM operates the Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre in Zambia with permanent buildings including registration and examination areas, a pharmacy, lab, and labor and delivery rooms.  In Malawi, the Lutheran Mobile Clinic is based in Lilongwe and operates a mobile clinic unit which travels to four designated bush areas on a weekly schedule. The operation of the clinics and the national staff are overseen by the Central Africa Medical Mission stateside committee and a Field Director. Nearly 80,000 patients are served annually. 


We encourage you to explore our site to learn more about the mission and ministry of CAMM, and to read the stories from the field.  You can also learn about ways that you can get involved and make an impact on our brothers and sisters in Christ in Zambia and Malawi.  You can help us share the love of Jesus while serving them and providing assistance for their physical needs.  If you have questions or need more information, please feel free to contact us.

The Central Africa Medical Mission Committee


Again in February 2025, CAMM leaders and volunteers had the opportunity to do a medical camp in Karima village, central Kenya.  The group was lead by Gary Evans and Kate Wood.  CAMM again partnered with, the WELS One Africa Team, and WELS Christian Aid and Relief.  The medical camp was another great success.  In the upcoming weeks, we will providing more information about the camp, including photographs.  


News From the field

  • Happy Lent. Well that sounds odd. We don’t typically think about the season of Lent as being a happy one. Lent is a time for us to reme

  • When I sit down to write these introductions for you each month, I have a few pastor friends that I turn to for inspiration. If you don


African life is difficult many people are desperate for basic medical care and often the children suffer the most. CAMM is able to serve patients in Zambia and Malawi at little or sometimes no cost to them …THANKS TO OUR SUPPORTERS!


The Central Africa Medical Mission operates solely on donations. We trust in the grace of God to open the hearts of Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church (WELS) congregations, ladies’ groups, schools, and individuals to provide the necessary funds to continue serving the people of Zambia and Malawi.


Many groups like to send charitable items, like pill bottles, layettes, blankets and hats to our fields in Africa. The cost of postage to send even a small box to Africa can be costly for the group sending the items. CAMM is very appreciative of these gifts, and feels the goods outweigh the cost, as many of these items are not available in Africa.


However, there is an equal need for financial support to fund the CAMM budget for general operations. Medications and fuel are necessities, along with supplemental maize, nutrients, infant formula, travel and salaries. Our staff takes pride in knowing how to stretch every dollar to its limit.


By purchasing supplies in Zambia and Malawi, as opposed to buying them in the States and sending it to Africa, the Central Africa Medical Mission also infuses money into the local economies. Many items are available to purchase in the field, and in fact are actually better sourced there.  


To assist with monetary support, many congregational or school groups plan service projects or other activities to raise funds for CAMM.


Donations are processed by the WELS on behalf of the Central Africa Medical Mission. Every dollar received goes to the work of the medical mission.


Donations may be made:


By Check:   Payable to Central Africa Medical Mission

And mailed to:

WELS Gift Processing – CAMM

N16 W23377 Stone Ridge Drive

Waukesha WI 53188


(Note: This address is intended for monetary donations only and CANNOT accept packages. Please email our Contact Woman Coordinator at cwc.camm@gmail.com if you wish to send a package to Zambia or Malawi.)


By Credit Card or through a direct checking account withdrawal:

Click here to Donate Online with our secure donation site through the WELS.

Get in touch